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    Root Washer

    Root Washer

    An open-source root washer that can be built sturdily with NO WELDING. Thanks to SARE for helping make this project happen!

    Organizers Call

    Organizers Call

    An organizational tool for connecting folks working remotely from a number of locations. Regular google hangouts. Ask to be invited to join us!

    Vacuum Material Handler

    Vacuum Material Handler

    This material handler design, created at this year's Farm Hack in Davis, CA, consists of a vacuum system to lift grain from a truck into to hopper below the vacuum unit. The vacuum unit is located above the machine of intended use (a grain cleaner for example). Once the vacuum hopper fills up, the vacuum is turned off and then a gate at the bottom of the vacuum hopper is opened and the grain falls down into the hopper of the grain cleaner. Areas left for research include: vacuum type, vacuum hopper geometry, vacuum hose type, automatic shut-off to prevent vacuum motor overheating, and dust safety considering static electricity. Vacuum systems like these are currently used in wood production and water related industries.

    "Folding Farm" Bike driven mobile produce trailer and display module

    "Folding Farm" Bike driven mobile produce trailer and display module

    "Folding Farm" is a bike towable and deployable produce delivery trailer. It was developed by the Sustainable Student Farm (SSF) and the Small Studio at the University of Illinois Urbana-Illinois. It has a tounge weight capacity of 500 lbs, which means a total towable payload of 300 lbs. It is used by the SSF to haul produce to a farm stand on the quad, an approximately 6 mile round trip. It folds down in transport, and then is deployable to look like the picture provided.

    small scale egg washing

    small scale egg washing

    A summary of exisiting egg washing technologies and some discussion of merits/goals of small scale egg washing, hopefully some designs and prototypes to follow...

    DIY Farm/Bike Trailer

    DIY Farm/Bike Trailer

    A bulletproof, versatile, inexpensive bike trailer. For $20.



    This is a list of books that people have found useful in running a farm. Typically How-To or books explaining tools and techniques.