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    Urine Use as Fertilizer on the Home Scale

    Urine Use as Fertilizer on the Home Scale

    There is a long history of recycling of human urine as fertilizer. This document answers many of the questions that we are often asked about the use of urine as a fertilizer on the home-garden scale.

    Guide to Creating a Community- Scale Urine Diversion Program

    Guide to Creating a Community- Scale Urine Diversion Program

    This document describes the work of the Rich Earth Institute (Rich Earth) in detail, primarily to support those seeking to move this work forward in their own regions. We cover the process of starting up a community-scale urine diversion program (UD program) and key elements of its operation. Throughout the document we also reference the UD program Toolkit, where we have publicly made available a host of open source documents, presentations, and other materials to support those starting a UD program. Please do let us know if you start a UD program! We’d love to hear what happens, and assist if we can.

    Horto domi- RobotGardener

    Horto domi- RobotGardener

    An Open Hardware Raised Bed Gardening Platform with Web-Interface through Arduino.

    Cultivar's RainCloud

    Cultivar's RainCloud

    RainCloud is a web connected irrigation system and application platform. RainCloud links computers and mobile devices to lawns, gardens and plants by combining automated water valves, soil moisture sensors, a wifi enabled programmable computer and custom web applications. Visit for more info.